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To understand the risk of mycotoxins in raw materials and feedstuffs.


Mycotoxins are invisible and odorless. The production of mycotoxins is influenced by many factors, also it’s impossible to predict the level of mycotoxins in feed materials.
As a consequence, it is important to be able to quantify the mycotoxin concentration in feed in order to be able to adopt the right strategy to protect animals against mycotoxin toxicity.

Importance of sampling

The mycotoxin concentration of a bulk lot is usually estimated by measuring the mycotoxin concentration in a small portion of the lot. As mycotoxins are not homogenously spread in a lot, the challenge of sampling is to obtain a representative sample of the lot.
The sample should be an accumulation of many small portions taken from many different locations, throughout the lot (see Olmix sampling protocol).

Different analysis methods

Olmix solutions overview

Olmix supports its customers in the analysis of mycotoxins to optimize risk management. Analyses can be carried out in a variety of ways, depending on the needs and solutions available locally.

Olmix partners: Olmix has long-term agreement with recognised laboratories, such as Labocea (France), which offers complete chromatographic analysis of more than 45 mycotoxins and metabolites. Other local partnerships enable us to provide a responsive service worldwide.

Olmix laboratories: Olmix is equipped with rapid analytical methods in several of its laboratories in France, Vietnam and Brazil.

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